Update and a thought

So, Hubs and I went away for a “weekend”. In the law enforcement world, any stretch of 2 or more days where he isn’t working is technically a weekend. We headed out Sunday after Sunday school, and got back late Tuesday afternoon. We went to a cabin in the mountains, just the two of us. We watched tv (why is it that my real life cop is so fascinated with cop shows? We watched Law and Order SVU, NCIS, and Criminal Minds. Marathons of each, might I add.), slept late, took naps, ate yummy food, soaked in the hot tub, and I read half a book and an entire magazine in one sitting while he played pool. Snowflakes fell from the sky all day Monday, and were still falling when we left. Of course, it didn’t stick, and there weren’t enough flakes to call it “snowing”. I prefer the term “flaking”. It flaked all day. It was wonderful.

And, of course, I wasn’t going to post blogs while I was gone. Didn’t take a laptop or tablet or anything but the phone (which I ignored as much as possible). My PLAN was to have Monday and Tuesday’s posts done on Saturday.


Yeah, right.

I got Monday’s done, but not Tuesday’s. It wasn’t worth the extra stress.

Then, when we got home yesterday, I had babies to love on and laundry to start. I don’t sleep well when I’m not in my bed, even on vacation, so I was exhausted (the 40mph winds we had on Sunday night didn’t help either. Limbs kept hitting the cabin, and I could see the tops of the trees swaying in the “breeze” all night.) and fell asleep pretty early.

So here we are. Working on a post full of updates. Next update: my Grandfather is still recovering well from his stroke and blood clot, so I am continually praising God for that. Hubs will be going back to work on Friday after graduating last Friday and taking our “weekend” away. We had family portraits done Wednesday evening. That was fun, and I’m pretty sure we got some great shots.

Now here’s my thought.

You know that thing, that thing that’s bothering you, worrying you, stressing you? That thing you’re dreading, ignoring, getting emotional or angry about? Yeah, you know what thing (or things) I’m talking about. Well, guess what?

God’s already there. At that thing. He’s there, waiting to take you through it. He’s already there.

We know He’s here now, and we know He’s already won the victory over the thing, even if you still have to go through it. But have you thought about how you’ll get through the thing? With Him, of course.

If He wasn’t already there, do you think you’d make it through? Do you think He stands on the far side of your thing and waves? “Hey, Child, I’m right here! Just walk through your thing to Me?”

Nope. He walks through the thing with you. He’s there waiting at the beginning of the thing to take you through to the other side. Holding your hand. Guiding you. Loving you the whole way through.

So if your thing is going to happen in 5 seconds, 15 minutes, a day, two weeks, eight months, or 3 years, God’s already there waiting for you. He’s at your thing, standing ready to help you fight that battle. Even if it’s scary, intimidating, bothersome, worrisome, stressful, painful, or whatever. He’s already there.

He’s already there.

He’s. Already. There.

And if He’s already there, why should we worry about the thing anymore?

He’s already there.

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